Short Story


Name : Putri Adhela Vieta H 

NPM : 222122011

Class : A


No Day Titles Why I am interested to read Questions before I read
1 Friday 1. Hungry Wolf
2. The Oak Tree and the Reeds
3. Two Goats
1. The story is so short, so that made me curious about it.
2. From the title, it makes me think what happened between the two. Also because the story is very short.
3. From the title, I don't know why but that sounds pretty interesting to me.
1. Will the content be conveyed well with such a very short story?
2. What happened between the oak tree and the reeds?
3. Are the two goats friends?
2 Saturday 1. A friend in need is a friend indeed
2. Elephant and Friends
3. Ant and Grasshopper
1. The title really caught my attention, it looks like it would be good.
2. From the title I think this is a fun story.
3. From the title I was quite interested because I like stories about animals.
1. Would it have a good moral of the story?
2. Does this story tell about the elephant's journey with his friends?
3. What happened between the ant and the grasshopper?
3 Monday 1. Dog and His Reflection
2. Fox and Grapes
3. Boy and Hazelnuts
1. Judging from the title maybe the story will be funny.
2. The title is quite interesting.
3. Just like before, the title caught my attention.
1. What about the reflection? Did his reflection make him lucky?
2. What's wrong with the grapes? Is it rotten?
3. What will happen to the boy?
4 Tuesday 1. Crab and His Mother
2.The Astronomer
3. Fisherman and Little Fish
1. I was attracted by the title because I thought it was a heartwarming story.
2.  The title is cool and makes me curious.
3. From the title I think the story will be good.

1. Will there be something that will make me cry?
2. Who is the astronomer?
3. What happened to the fisherman and little fish?

Day 1
Date: 31 March 2023
Time 20.10 - 20.11
Title Hungry Wolf
Sources Short Stories in English/Animal/Hungry Wolf
Characters Wolf and woodcutter.
Main point of the story One day there was a hungry wolf, he was looking for food everywhere and finally he found a loaf of bread and meat in a hole of a tree. The wolf squeezed into the hole and ate all the food that turned out to be the woodcutter's lunch. When the woodcutter came he didn't see his lunch but a wolf. The wolf tried to get out of the hole but couldn't, its tummy was swollen. Finally the woodcutter caught the wolf and gave it a beating.
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Comments Quite understandable, but a bit strange. In this story it is said that the wolf was very hungry and it found a piece of bread and meat and then ate it. Which made me confused how could that little food make its stomach swell? But even so the moral I got was that we shouldn't be greedy and eat food that doesn't belong to us.

Day 1
Date: 31 March 2023
Time20.15- 20.16
TitleThe Oak Tree and the Reeds
SourcesShort Stories in English/Animal/The Oak Tree and the Reeds
Characters The Oak Tree and the Reeds.
Main point of the storythe oak tree always thought he was stronger than the reeds because every time the wind blows, he never bends his head in fear unlike the reeds. But one night there was a storm that uprooted the oak tree. Seeing that, the reeds was grateful that even though he is often bent, he was not uprooted.
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Comments Quite understandable, but a bit strange. In this story it is said that the wolf was very hungry and it found a piece of bread and meat and then ate it. Which made me confused how could that little food make its stomach swell? But even so the moral I got was that we shouldn't be greedy and eat food that doesn't belong to us.

Day 1
Date: 31 March 2023
Time20.20- 20.22
TitleTwo Goats
SourcesShort Stories in English/Animal/Two Goats
Characters Two goats.
Main point of the storyOne day a goat wanted to cross the bridge. But the bridge is so narrow that only one person can pass. And coincidentally when he got to the middle of the bridge he met a goat from the opposite direction crossing too. he told the one goat to back off, but he didn't want to. the first goat was annoyed, he intended to fight with the second goat.but the second goat stopped him, because he knew if the two of them fought they would fall. instead he gave the idea so that the two of them could cross. finally the wise goat lay down and the other goat walked over him.
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Comments Pretty good. It teaches us to think calmly and wisely in every problem.

Day 2
Date: 1 April 2023
TitleA friend in need is a friend indeed
SourcesShort Stories in English/Animal/A friend in need is a friend indeed
Characters A lion and a mouse.
Main point of the storyOnce upon a time a lion was sleeping, then a mouse came and disturbed the sleeping lion until he woke up. The lion felt angry and wanted to kill the mouse, but the mouse apologized and begged the lion. Finally the lion took pity and let the mouse go. Until one day the lion was caught in a net, and the mouse saw it and then bit the net so the lion could escape. In the end they were friends, and live happily.
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Comments Easy to understand. We can learn from it that whatever we do to other people, that person will also do the same thing. So, try to be nice to others.

Day 2
Date: 1 April 2023
TitleElephant and friends
SourcesShort Stories in English/Animal/Elephant and friends
Characters Elephant, monkey, rabbit, frog, fox, and tiger.
Main point of the storyOne day an elephant roamed the forest looking for friends. First he approached the monkey and asked, "do you want to be friends with me?" then the monkey replied, "you are too big, you can't swing on a tree like me." After that the elephant went and approached the rabbit, then asked "do you want to be my friend?" but the rabbit said "you are too big to play in my burrow." the elephant went looking for another, and met a frog. he asked the same thing, and the frog said "how can i? you are too big to leap about like me." the elephant felt troubled, and finally he met the fox, then asked the same thing again. the fox replied, "sorry sir, you are too big." The next day, everyone he met yesterday ran for their lives. After he found out, it turned out that there was a tiger that ate everything he found. The elephant is looking for a way to save everyone, he talks to the tiger but the tiger still does it. Because there was no other choice, the elephant kicked the tiger, causing it to run away in fear. And finally, all the inhabitants of the forest become friends with elephants.
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Comments Good story. From here we can learn not to discriminate between someone's physique.

Day 2
Date: 1 April 2023
TitleAnts and Grasshopper
SourcesShort Stories in English/100 Famous Stories/Ants and Grasshopper
Characters Ants and Grasshopper.
Main point of the storyin summer, the grasshoppers were hopping and chirping happily. Then there were ants passing by while working hard carrying something on their shoulders. Grasshopper said, "why don't you come over here and talk to me instead of working hard like that." But an ant said, "I'm helping prepare food for the winter, and I also recommend you to do the same." The grasshopper asked again, "who bother about winter?" Then the ant replied, "we have plenty of food at present." After that, the ants continued their hard work. When winter comes the grasshopper is hungry because he doesn't have food, while the ants can enjoy a lot of food because of their hard work in summer.
New vocabularies foundToil.
Comments From this story I got a moral message as realized by the grasshopper, it is best for prepare for days of necessity.

Day 3
Date: 3 April 2023
TitleDog and His Reflection
SourcesShort Stories in English/100 Famous Stories/Dog and His Reflection
Characters A dog
Main point of the storyA dog was very happy because he found a big piece of meat. He took a piece of it to eat it, as he was crossing a bridge he saw something in the water. He saw his reflection, but the dog didn't know. He thought it was another dog who was also carrying a piece of meat. He said, "that dog has a bigger piece of meat, I'll take it and run away." at that time he dropped his own meat with the intention to take another meat. Of course, his a piece of meat fell into the water and in the end he was left with nothing.
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Comments From this story I get the moral message to always be grateful for what we have.

Day 3
Date: 3 April 2023
TitleFox and Grapes.
SourcesShort Stories in English/100 Famous Stories/Fox and Grapes.
Characters A fox and grapes.
Main point of the storyOne day when a fox was walking through the garden he found a bunch of grapes on a high branch. He thought, "this will surely quench my thirst." He ended up trying to jump over and over again, but his attempts were unsuccessful. Finally he gave up, then left saying, "I'm sure the grapes are sour."
New vocabularies foundOrchard, quench.
Comments Pretty good, here is a message that it will be very easy to hate something that we can't get.

Day 3
Date: 3 April 2023
TitleBoy and Hazelnuts.
SourcesShort Stories in English/100 Famous Stories/Boy and Hazelnuts.
Characters A boy, hazelnuts and a man.
Main point of the storyA very greedy boy saw a jar full of hazelnuts. he stepped closer, then put his hand into the jar and took a large number of hazelnuts. But he couldn't get his hand out of the jar, unless he let go of the hazelnuts he would be able to get his hand out of the jar, but he wanted the hazelnuts badly. He got angry and started crying, then a man helped him. the man said, "don't be too greedy, if you take half the amount of hazelnuts, your hand will come out of the jar easily."
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Comments From this story we can take a lesson not to be too greedy and don't take too much at once.

Day 4
Date: 4 April 2023
TitleCrab and His Mother.
SourcesShort Stories in English/100 Famous Stories/Crab and His Mother.
Characters A crab and his mother.
Main point of the storyA crab lives with its mother. His mother was very proud of him but always nagged him to do better. One day the mother crab saw her child walking sideways like crabs in general. Then she said to him, "it would be great if you could walk forward." He replied, "sure, I will do it, but you have to give me an example first to do it."  Finally she tried, and kept trying but could not. She just kept walking sideways, like a normal crab. She gave up, and no longer criticized his son.
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Comments From this story we can take a lesson that we should not criticize people for what is not their fault.

Day 4
Date: 4 April 2023
TitleThe Astronomer
SourcesShort Stories in English/100 Famous Stories/The Astronomer.
Characters The Astronomer and passerby.
Main point of the storyAn absent-minded astronomer interested in nothing but stars. He was always out looking at the stars and studying them. One night, when he was walking while looking at the stars in the sky, he didn't realize there was a well. He fell into the well, and asked for help. A passerby hears it and looks into the well. The astronomer said, "help me, I fell into the well because I was looking at the stars, so I did not see it." A passerby replied, "it's your fault for not looking around. it's useless if you keep looking at things high like those stars, but pay no attention to those around you."
New vocabularies foundabsent-minded.
Comments From this story we can take a lesson from what a passerby said. It‘s no use fixing our minds on higher things, like the stars and the sky, if we ignore what is going on around us.

Day 4
Date: 4 April 2023
TitleFisherman and little fish.
SourcesShort Stories in English/100 Famous Stories/Fisherman and little fish.
Characters A fisherman and a little fish.
Main point of the storyOne day a fisherman caught a little fish. the little fish said let me go. I'm too small to fill you up, if you let me go I'll grow big and can be a good meal for you." But the fisherman said, "nay, nay nay my little fish. I have you now, and I might not be able to catch you again later."
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Comments From this story we can take a lesson from what the fisherman has done. A little thing in hand is worth more than a great thing in prospect.

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